Lease for Rakha copper mines yet to be restored: Mines Ministry authorities

The Ministry of Mines, through Hindustan Copper, has actually approached the Jharkhand federal government looking for essential clearances and restoring lease so that mining operations can resume at Rakha lease location. There has actually been no reaction from the Jharkhand federal government, on this up until now, a senior Ministry authorities informed businessline.

Rakha and Kendadih mining location is stated to be among the biggest copper mines of the nation; while copper is categorised as a tactically essential mineral in India.

By The Way, Hindustan Copper, a CPSE under the Mines Ministry, has actually currently started the procedure of selecting a mine developer-cum-operator, mostly on an earnings sharing basis, Ministry authorities stated.

The business’s last yearly report (for FY22) discusses that strategies are on to enhance production capability to 1.5 million tonnes per year (mtpa) of ore by resuming and growth of closed Rakha mine. The environment clearance and Phase II forest clearance for the mining lease location were acquired in 2014 and 2016 respectively. However the mining lease ended on August 28, 2021.

An application for renewal (of lease at Rakha) was sent to the workplace of District Collector, Federal Government of Jharkhand in April 2020. The matter continues to be pending with Director, Mines, Federal Government of Jharkhand.

The last mining strategy of Rakha lease (till 28.08.2021) covered a location of 785.091 hectares, that was authorized by Indian Bureau of Mines.

“The Jharkhand federal government is yet to provide clearance, that is, restore the lease for the Rakha mines. Hindustan Copper have actually approached them and the application is under procedure there,” the Ministry authorities stated.

Engaging MDO

On the other hand, Ministry authorities stated, the CPSE (Hindustan Copper) has actually currently started the procedure of selecting a mine designer– orgasm– operator (MDO), as it prepares for “re-opening and growth of Rakha Copper Mine and the advancement of a brand-new underground mine at Chapri-Sideshwar to produce 3 million tonne per year of ore” together with a coordinating capability concentrator plant.

The tender file was drifted in January 2023 and applications were closed in March.

The quote documents point out, operation of Rakha mine was ceased from July 2001, due to low copper costs. The mine is presently saturated and non-operating. On the other hand, Chapri deposit, nearby to the Rakha mine, is a “virgin block” and requires to be established and run.

The MDO needs to establish the mine and concentrator plant at his own expense and to mine at the created capability and focus the ore based on developed requirements. Combined production throughout Rakha and Chapri will be 3 mtpa. The run-of-mines (excavated from the mines) copper ore will be processed at the concentrator plant.

The copper concentrate ought to be of minimum 25 percent copper grade with optimum 8 percent wetness material. The healing of the concentrator plant ought to run at minimum 94 percent healing.


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