The celebrative start of 2020 corporate events!

How our business planner started in 2020?  

Yes! It’s 2020 and the corporate events at Better Lives raised up, our corporate events are inclusive of the get-togethers short while or day long, meetings, parties, celebrations, occasions, festive, seminars, awards, recognition, charity, services and of course conferences. It is certainly all-encompassing of team members and external guests sometimes with the key motive to improve the rapport and team spirit where in our annual meet would be with the stakeholders. 

Key Planning 

The events for the year 2020 are an outcome of the profound analysis with the purpose and the company objective that sets the standards. Right from the invite, volunteers, organizers, preparation, proceedings, funding would be planned way ahead to facility the brain storming session that supports to bring out the finest in conceptions. The emphasis would be on engaging the team to the fullest with amusements, knowledge and team building. The stretch towards the event from their task would be a valuable time and hence the organizers make it a point to bring in uniqueness in learning front and self-development opportunity for each of the individual. 

Event Schedule 

With the most strategic methodology towards the events for the year 2020 which is spread across fortnightly for all the 12 months. The agenda gets prepared by the dedicated event organizer with the complete process being handled way in advance in order to avoid the crunch of time. Some of the events go on registration basis while others are naturally meant for the team on whole.  

Checklists and the Recommendations 

It is remarkable to organize and celebrate the events in the midst of the routine schedules. Each of the events stands to be an epic to inspire the team in its own ways. Here’s the planning checklist which is been in practice and would be with the partying of the 2020 events spread across the whole year. 

Step 1: Event Planner 

Here is the brain storming with the volunteers to plan the event way in advance and propose the strategies that shall be executed. 

Step 2: Event Organizers 

The benefit of event organizers is to create attention over every detail and preside over the events. It provides the organizer to practice leadership and exhibit their skills of the most essential management ability. 

Step 3: Freezing the Venue 

The space for the event truly depends on the nature of the event and it certainly based on the number of participants. Our company space spread across different floors with the different meeting rooms and the availability of the open garden space, the venue desires to be discussed, confirmed and booked. In case of outdoor event, the necessary arrangements and the bookings have to take place. 

Step 4: Assign a Photographer 

Capturing the moments is one another vital part of any events, the ability to photographic can be the one among the team or a duly appointed outsiders. This again gives the source of pride of the photographic enthusiast to exhibit or enhance their skills in real-time.  

Step 5: Creativity plays 

At this moment comes the phase to think of the theme, the design and all the branding stuffs that makes the day alluring. Some of the events might need a centre décor or the welcome table, the event back drop and much more. Most often the decorative celling drops adds to the elegance. All the elements worked here add to the creativity with the branding sense. 

Step 6: Titbits and Snacks 

At most times events adds up with the sharing of mementoes, titbits and potlucks among the team members. This comes as a wonderful retreat and totalling up to the fun part of the event. However, the team gets harmonized discussion of the same to make sure it goes best. 

Step 7: Activities and Presentations 

This is the core part of any proceedings and we cumulate it with the pre-preparation of the concepts to be delivered in the best engaging manner. Different involvement based games, questionnaire, debates, ideas are shared and it is wonderful to notice each one’s calibre and interest towards making the day a grand success and towards building up their life skills.  

Step 8: Branding 

All these starts with the invite to participate, right from the thought of preparation of the invitation to each opportunity of the discussion and the celebration are taken care with the positive attitude and the branding sense.  

This turns to be a team based event and when they seek to work with their friendly buddies, the efficiency is enhanced and the whole process is experienced positive and pleasant among the team on whole. Most prominently, seeking the feedback from the team and the participants does stand to be an encouragement to the organizers and the HR department of the organisation. 

Oh yeah, you might also have experienced such events but with Better Lives it is meticulously enthusiastic and at times you would be put on some contest or the other.  

No excuses for self-development and that’s how we live at Better Lives and of course we benefit wholesome. Just try if you could fit in with us, drop your resume here.

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