Winter reliability risk is a fossil fuel problem, not a renewable energy problem. Winter is here, and with it comes a heightened responsibility for electric providers to keep…

2022 wasn’t as defined by the coronavirus pandemic as 2020 or 2021, but it was still marred by its fallout. War, a tightening economy, and major shifts in…

This is a guest post by Ignasi Nogués and Georgina Valls from Clickedu. With more than 1.5 million unique users across 700 schools and core values that include…

When states want to gauge quail populations, the process can be grueling, time-consuming and expensive. It means spending hours in the field listening for calls. Or leaving a…

While the terms Data Science, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Machine learning fall in the same domain and are connected, they have specific applications and meanings. There may be…

This time of year, organizations take stock of the year that’s ending and then strategize about what they want to accomplish in the year ahead. Forrester research director…

While most of us are never without our smartphones, robots may also soon become indispensable companions. It certainly seems so based on the recent experiments conducted by researchers…

Check out all the on-demand sessions from the Intelligent Security Summit here. As companies scramble to protect themselves against the economic downturn, all sorts of projects are being…

Where is DevOps going? Is it ‘dead’ as some are suggesting, to be replaced by other disciplines such as platform engineering? I would proffer that while it was…

You’re probably all finished with your holiday shopping so why not pick up a gift for yourself? Amazon is selling the 16-inch MacBook Pro with an M1 Max…